European Youth Award 2017: Miwuki

Miwuki is a platform for the management of animal shelters offering animals for adoption. Every year millions of animals are left at shelters.

Miwuki puts people wanting to adopt in direct contact with shelters. Through Miwuki, shelters are able to manage abandoned animals, their medical history, volunteers, donors, donations, statistics and more. The platform profiles each shelter, listing the animals offered for adoption and the way to make donations. Animal-care professionals and volunteers work together to improve the welfare of animals in shelters, maintain accurate homeless pet lists, provide information about the animal to ensure better matches, shorten waiting times, increase adoptions and reduce future abandonment. In just 4 months, the platform has been joined by 450 pet shelters in Spain, reached more than 40,000 users and facilitated 550 adoptions. While building a community around pet owners and animal lovers, Miwuki aims to become sustainable through crowdfunding to reach the long-term goal of one million adoptions across the globe.


29. November 2017

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Dr. Birgit Kolb

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